Accelerating growth, increasing profit, and maximizing company value.


With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to prepare for joyful celebrations. The holidays can be an exciting time for many, but they can also bring on financial stress. That’s why we’ve put together some budgeting tips to help you make the most of the holidays while keeping your finances […]

Business Goals, Business Growth, Tips

Enjoy the Holidays with These Budgeting Tips for Small Business Owners

October 24, 2023

The entrepreneurial journey can be a rollercoaster, and we want to help you stay on top of the ride. So, today, we’re sharing some valuable tips on how to combat entrepreneur burnout and keep your inspiration alive. 1. Prioritize Self-Care. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. In fact, it’s essential for your well-being […]

Business Goals, Business Growth, Tips

8 Ways to Manage Overwhelm as a Small Business Owner

October 24, 2023

Accurate bookkeeping is not just a matter of compliance; it can significantly impact your business’s overall value. Here are several ways in which accurate books can increase your business’s value: 1. Improved Financial Decision-Making Accurate financial records provide you with a clear understanding of your business’s financial health. This helps you make informed decisions about […]

Bookkeeping, Tips

How Accurate Numbers Can Increase Your Business’​ Value

October 11, 2023

Fourth quarter planning is crucial for business owners as it sets the stage for a successful year-end and prepares your business for the challenges and opportunities of the upcoming year. Here are some key areas to focus on during your fourth quarter planning: Going into the fourth quarter, many businesses pull out all the stops […]

Bookkeeping, CFO & Accounting, Tips

How to Prepare Your Business for a Successful 4th Quarter:

October 5, 2023

What scares small-business owners? According to the survey, they are most worried about: So, what’s a nervous small-business owner to do? Instead of fretting about how government regulations, shutdowns, and debt defaults might affect your bottom line, channel your energy into focusing on what you can control: financial planning, customer retention (and acquisition), and risk […]

Business Goals, Tips

3 Things That Scare Business Owners!

September 28, 2023

Time is the most valuable resource for small business owners. But in order to get adequately compensated for your time, you need to track how you spend it. Here are the 5 useful time tracking apps for small business needs. 1. Toggl: Toggl offers the ultimate in simplicity; just click to start the timer when […]

Bookkeeping, Tips

5 Useful Time Tracking Apps for Small Businesses

September 7, 2023

It’s that time of year again, almost the end of summer, where school is about to start up and suddenly everyone’s schedules have changed, and everything seems to be moving a million miles a minute. Now’s the time to get back into the swing of things! Here are several tips (both personal and business) on […]

Bookkeeping, Tips

End of Summer Bookkeeping Tips

September 5, 2023

Can you believe it? 2023 is speeding by, and we’re fast approaching the fourth quarter. Are you ready for a strong finish? Could it make or break your business? We’ll explore some effective strategies you can put in place to achieve your annual goals and start the new year strong. 1. Evaluate your financial health. […]

Bookkeeping, Tips

Are you ready for fourth quarter?

September 5, 2023

As a successful business owner, you know that your business has value. It likely supports the lifestyle you and your family live. It provides a paycheck and perhaps benefits to the people you employ. The products or services you provide are meaningful to your clients. But if someone asked you, “How much is your business […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning

Is Your Business Worth as Much as You Think? 

January 19, 2023

Many advisors to business owners think a sale to key employees is a great option for companies that don’t reach the “sale to third party” threshold. Typically, they define this threshold as the point at which a business can be sold for (largely) cash. Depending on a variety of factors, this threshold is usually around […]

Business Goals, Business Growth, Exit Planning

Why Owners Want to Sell to Their Employees

December 23, 2022

"The 10 Metrics Must-Haves to Grow Your Business, Increase Profits, and Double Your Cash Flow in 12 Months"

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