Accelerating growth, increasing profit, and maximizing company value.


When planning for the future, you have a wealth of options related to who should continue to run your business. Many business owners’ plans fall short because they are unaware of the many options they have available to them and the pros and cons of each path.  One common exit path is a family business […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning, Family Business

Is a Family Transfer Right for Your Business? 

October 3, 2022

Many owners and advisors talk about the importance of growing business value, and there are nearly unlimited options to help business owners do just that. But wouldn’t you agree that growing business value is pointless if you don’t know how to reduce the threats to that growth? As you prepare for an eventual exit from […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning, Family Business

Minimizing Threats to Business Value

September 24, 2022

In all likelihood, you are absolutely critical to the success of your business. Without you, there is no business. We want to fix that. With a little luck and a lot of hard work, we can help you become an Inconsequential Owner. Having said that, perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. All owners […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning, Family Business

Determining Business Value: The Inconsequential Owner

September 12, 2022

One of the most important elements of a successful business transition is transferable value. No matter what an owner sees for the future of the business, transferable value can be the common denominator that makes all goals more achievable. What is Transferable Value Transferable value, for a closely-held business, is most simply what a business […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning, Family Business

Where Does Transferable Value Comes From

September 2, 2022

An important aspect of growing a successful business Is creating transferable value. Transferable value is what your business is worth to someone else without you at the helm. Whether you plan to retire or die at your desk, transferable value is what increases business value. To create transferable value, you’ll need to install several Value Drivers. […]

Business Growth

3 Value Drivers You Can Start Installing Right Now

August 23, 2022

At their core, successful business owners like you are builders. Whether you founded your business, or purchased one and took it to new heights, doing it yourself runs through your veins. Why, then, would you need professional help to plan for a successful business future? We could go on and on about all the reasons […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning

4 Reasons Why Planning for a Successful Future Isn’t DIY

August 23, 2022

When planning for the future, you have a wealth of options related to who should continue to run your family business. Many business owners’ plans fall short because they are unaware of the many options, they have available to them and the pros and cons of each path.  One common exit path is a family […]

Exit Planning, Family Business

Should you leave your business to your Family?

August 22, 2022

It is safe to say 2020 was full of surprises. Some businesses thrived, while in other areas jobs were lost, companies were forced to go under, and we even lost loved ones along the way. Many businesses were affected by the pandemic in some way or another. According to a survey conducted by the PNAS […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning

What Did We Learn from 2020?

August 16, 2022

One of the most important elements of a successful business transition is transferable value. No matter what an owner sees for the future of the business, transferable value can be the common denominator that makes all goals more achievable. What is Transferable Value Transferable value, for a closely-held business, is most simply what a business […]

Business Growth

Creating Transferable Value in Your Business

August 8, 2022

The strongest businesses often have written plans for how to address unexpected events and mitigate risk, known as business continuity instructions. Their owners ask questions like, “What happens if a co-owner or I die?”, “How do we protect key employees from competitors?”, and “How do we address interruptions in our supply chain?” Here are three […]

Business Growth, Exit Planning, Family Business

Business Continuity: Is Your Business Built on Sand or Stone?

April 11, 2022

"The 10 Metrics Must-Haves to Grow Your Business, Increase Profits, and Double Your Cash Flow in 12 Months"

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